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Great American Literature Top 10

18 Feb

No country surpasses America in proliferation of great literature. Although the U.S.HEY! administration cannot claim to have read each of the books below, we have heard great things about them. For the convenience of our readers, the Top 10 American Books of All Time have been compiled below, complete with links for purchase and a brief commendation of each.

10. Patriot Games, Tom Clancy

American Tom Clancy’s best-selling novel was so great that a movie was created in its honor.  Studies have shown that most Americans are visual learners, so U.S.HEY! cannot think of a better way to spread the word to the people than a Hollywood movie.

9. The O’Reilly Factor: The Good, the Bad, and the Completely Ridiculous, Bill O’Reilly

Genius of geniuses, Mr. O’Reilly, dipped his toe into the literature industry for the first time in 2000 with such style and flair that his book was an instant success. But hurry! This book remains so popular that Amazon only has five copies left in stock.

8. What’s So Great About America, Dinesh D’Souza

This tale of American perseverance, told from the perspective of an Immigrant, will be one to pass down to the grand-kids. Learn about why non-natural born, would-be Americans love America just as much as we do.

7. The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald

A touching tale of one man’s attempts for success, this story of heartbreak, hardship, and material woes looks at the tragedy of achieving The American Dream only to lose it. In protagonist Jay Gatsby’s case, we question whether it is better to have lived the Dream and lost it, or to have never Dreamt at all.

This just in: New Great Gatsby video game takes the nation by storm.  Click here to play.

6. The Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson

Without it, we would not be the Great U.S. nation that we are today. U.S.HEY! commends American hero Thomas Jefferson for his bravery in standing up to the oppressive King George III, for fighting for his rights as an American Man, and for leaving behind a True Legacy of American Greatness.

5. US Weekly

Although not technically a novel, US Weekly details the cultural happenings of the US with such gusto that U.S.HEY! believed it was our duty to grant this great periodical the accolades its deserves.

4. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin Franklin

Founding Father Benjamin Franklin not only cowrote the Constitution, gained France’s support in the Revolutionary War, and achieved remarkable material success in the printing industry – he detailed each day of his professional life for the benefit of future generations. Thank you, Mr. Franklin, for setting the bar so high for the rest of us.

3. Decision Points, George W. Bush

George W. Bush writes, from his own perspective, about his time as President. asserts that “George W. Bush’s decisions were all correct. It was just the aftermath that sometimes became muddled.” It is the duty of every American to support their President, and although many citizens lost sight of this virtue from 2001-2009, this book will help those lost little sheep find their way back to the light once again.

2. A Remarkable Record of Achievement, Morgan James Publishing

Before the Obama Regime infiltrated the White House, Yale alum and Texas native George W. Bush held the covetable position of President of America. Morgan James Publishing details W. Bush’s remarkable accomplishments in this must-read.

1. The Bible

A staple of American literature, The Bible is both the best selling and most shoplifted book in the Nation. Read tales of miracle, accomplishment in the face of adversity, and the Greatest Hero Ever, Jesus.

Honorable Mentions: Common Sense, Thomas Paine; The Official SAT Study Guide, Second Edition, The College Board; How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must), Ann Coulter; US History for Dummies, Steve Weigand

For readers interested in forming a Great American Bookclub, please comment with suggestions or email

-Commander in Chief