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State of the Day: South Dakota

16 Feb

South Dakota has been making headlines for the past few days, as state legislators attempt to refine criminal law and the fuzzy lines drawn around justifiable homicide.

Justifiable homicide finds a circuitous route around what would otherwise be considered quote-unquote Murder, by distinguishing between those who killed on purpose and those who didn’t kill because they actually wanted to.  The truly guilty conscience must have both committed the incriminating act and have done so in cold blood, i.e. with a mens rea.

Like many religiocentric Conservatives (the wind beneath Our Nation’s wings), South Dakotan legislators feel that the net cast by justifiable homicide law must catch within its weave that most menacing of fish, abortion givers. These adherents to the God-given doctrine of pro-life policy believe that the best way to represent their constituents is to legalize killing a doctor giving abortions.  House Bill 1171, sponsored by Rep. Phil Jensen, has already passed out of committee on a 9-to-3 vote, and will face a floor vote in the state’s GOP dominated House of Representatives soon.  Should the bill become law, it would vindicate an abortionee’s impregnator, immediate family member, close friend, acquaintance, or general-sharer-of-airspace if they chose to (rightfully) murder the doctor giving the abortion.

Obviously, the bill and its proponents have taken into consideration the value of a human life (other than the doctor’s), the Mistake of Roe v. Wade, and our Founding Father’s intentions in writing that “No state shall… deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” Since a woman and her child are a man’s property, he (or anyone else the would-be parents know) should be allowed to kill the person trying to rob him of said property. Conflicting opinions such as the woman’s right to choose should be, understandably, dismissed.

Kudos to you, South Dakota, for upholding that most basic of human rights, the right to kill in justifiable circumstances. U.S.HEY! commends your forward-thinking attitude that will have such a positive effect on society.

-Commander in Chief