Tea Time

4 Oct

It’s getting to be that time of year again: leaves are falling off trees, squirrels are gathering their nuts, brisk winds are whipping the American flag outside my window – it’s fall. As much as I love summer holidays (until next year, beloved barbecue), I’m not exactly dreading pulling out my comfy wool sweaters, slippers and flannel-lined jeans. And, with all these chilly days lately, I’ve been feeling the need to take a break every once in a while and get cozy over a good, hot mug of tea. I know, I know, what am I, in the Victorian era?? Tea just seems so United Kingdom. But while coffee is all go go go, tea just makes me want to pause for a second, live in the moment, enjoy it sip by sip.

Now, the revolutionary war was a long time ago, and I think we’ve pretty much gotten over our differences with Britain (the original tea party was how long ago?). Yet, as a faithful supporter of the American coffee market, I can’t help but feel like tea is a little too exotic sometimes. Well, I recently found something to make that Japanese green tea, or Indian chai a little more all-American: Tea Time Characters!

A soothing tea blend in a patriotic tea bag holder bearing the likeness of one of our country’s leaders. What’s not to love? Whether you prefer to steep Obama in some hot water, or share a moment with Sarah Palin, these little guys (and girls!) are perfect to keep you company as you enjoy that good cup of peace-and-quiet in the middle of your busy day.

And they’re just about as adorable as cute lil’ Piper Palin (maybe even cuter)!

Here’s hoping you have a most enjoyable season of change!


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