Eat ‘Em Like Junk Food

25 Sep

In the good old days, voluptuousness was the standard of beauty.  Curves in all the right places were sexy: they were a sign of a good family, good health, and of course, the ability to afford good food.  Now, our aesthetic standard is the polar opposite… for better or for worse.  Nonetheless, a large (literally) portion of America clings to this outdated image of the “pleasantly plump” for their own personal aesthetic, causing concern for the medical world, fashion industry, and many coach airline passengers alike.

At U.S.HEY!, we say let ’em have their cake and eat it too, but the Center for Disease Control and Prevention seems to disagree.  They think that the alarmingly low statistic of only 26% of adults eating their RDA’s of vegetables (versus the alarmingly high 30% obesity rate) is cause for concern, and furthermore, for action.

That leads me to the good news.  Following the logic that overweight kids become obese adults, public schools are now introducing Vegetable Vending Machines.  U.S.HEY! hopes to soon see these gems of instant gratification in airports, shopping malls, on street corners, and perhaps in public restrooms by Christmas.  Here in America, the land of plenty, we are not about to enforce the completely unnecessary discipline of portion control upon our citizens.  Instead, they will have the Freedom to Choose baby carrots instead of Cheetos, or just in addition to.

Until Thanksgiving,

Commander in Chief

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